Joseph, the understated character in the story of the Nativity was in fact a truly amazing example of what pleases God in a husband and father. Today we would like to present this unexpected man of excellence to you. We hope it will be a worthy prelude to some teaching on the role of the husband within the marriage covenant.
Read MoreToday’s article will mention some communication challenges and some of the possible consequences of finding ourselves trapped in communication breakdown. Nonetheless, this is an article about overcoming and victory.
Read MoreThe marital relationship is very intimate, but is often at risk from a lack of positive communication. How can two people in so heart throbbing a love, being physically intimate and emotionally bonded become victims of communication lack?
Read MoreCommunication is the lifeblood of every relationship and is a hugely significant topic. Couples have to get this right for their own growth and for the development and well-being of their children and family as a whole.
Read MoreWe travel through the leaving stage of our marriage learning how to give of ourselves, how to share and communicate, and as we grow we put aside selfish ambition in order to love and serve each other. It’s a process that diminishes self interest as we are transformed by a shifting of our focus toward the needs of our spouse.
Read MoreThe goal is to have a relationship that is cooperative in every sense, in harmony and agreement physically and spiritually. To achieve such a goal, our ‘single’ lifestyle and the nature of our existing relationships will need adjustment.
Read MoreWhen companies want great transformations they spend a lot of time in planning and marketing the change. They write mission statements and strategy documents running into hundreds of pages to attempt to define and communicate the intent. In Genesis 2:24 God presents His mission statement and the key steps of His plan for Marriage in this one verse.
Read MoreClearly men and women are very different. Sometimes the differences cause such strife that harsh words break out as we struggle to come to terms with the character of our spouse. We may even wonder whether our spouse really cares.
Read MoreThis book of scripture is also an amazing illustration for married couples of the depth of love and compassion we should give to each other as we seek to imitate Christ. Your relationship will grow as you understand the depth of love God has for you and your spouse.
Read MoreGenesis 1:26 is remarkable. The sudden use of the plural “Let Us”, and “Our likeness” directs our thoughts to the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That God is three persons in one tells a simple truth, God is relationship, and if He made us in his likeness, then we have been made to reflect His character in the relationships we build with each other.
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