The expression captured as a moment in time speaks volumes about the power of relationship. Even this child, too young to speak, creates a thousand words in a single smile and an entire book in the expectation of those eyes. How great is our God!
Read MoreThe word submit seems to carry so many negatives, yet we urge you to read on and read the entire teaching from Ephesians 5:21-33, and perhaps in a more modern translation of the Bible. In the context of the entire passage, a wife has absolutely nothing to fear in accepting a husband’s headship if he cooperates to serve and honour his wife as Christ serves and loves His church.
Read MoreThe witness of the marriage relationship and the triumph of the family is one of the most powerful forces for transformation. It is the very foundation of humanity and the bedrock of society.
Read MoreEven when we have left self behind and learnt the importance of giving and honouring our spouse above ourselves, self-interest will often try to resurrect itself, and there is no time more likely for this unwelcome visitor than when issues arise and differences surface. In this environment, self tries to dominate again resulting in competition replacing our hard won cooperation.
Read MoreToday’s article will mention some communication challenges and some of the possible consequences of finding ourselves trapped in communication breakdown. Nonetheless, this is an article about overcoming and victory.
Read MoreThe marital relationship is very intimate, but is often at risk from a lack of positive communication. How can two people in so heart throbbing a love, being physically intimate and emotionally bonded become victims of communication lack?
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