We have had meetings with many couples looking for help to resolve their relationship struggles. Each couple having tried to work things out together but unable to come to a positive or a lasting solution, and so they look for help to resolve their conflict. Seeing couples bleeding and in pain is always difficult for us, especially when we see how the enemy has moved in and settled in – a thief with a single purpose – to kill and destroy.
Read MoreWhen a couple works together to achieve unity, they submit to each other in love and encourage each other by learning and sharing. They navigate the rocky places by learning to put each other first and serve. This is very much part of Gods plan and His deep desire for us (Mark 10:7-8). Although many may agree with the message of selfless service and have a willingness to pursue it in their marriage, progress can be slow, and laboured. At times we wonder how, despite the knowledge of God’s purpose we remain for years trying to overcome disagreement, anchored in an unwelcome state where conflict still exists, and self continues to rise up within us demanding attention.
Read MoreWhen we get married, we need to learn how to work with our joint resources as we move from being two sole traders to being 50/50 partners, and we prosper when we get it right.
Read MoreAs God shows us how to relate so that our marriage grows into oneness and is filled with abundance, He expects that we will prepare our children for the same success. Today, our blog article examines the skills and wisdom parents need to prepare children to transition into independence
Image by GiselaFotografie on Pixabay
Read MoreToday’s article will mention some communication challenges and some of the possible consequences of finding ourselves trapped in communication breakdown. Nonetheless, this is an article about overcoming and victory.
Read MoreThe goal is to have a relationship that is cooperative in every sense, in harmony and agreement physically and spiritually. To achieve such a goal, our ‘single’ lifestyle and the nature of our existing relationships will need adjustment.
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