About Us

Steve and Khanya

Steve and Khanya

We are husband and wife, both committed to a desire to see married couples and families prosper in their relationships.

We completed training on the principles of Christian marriage and God’s plan for marriage with Scripture Union in the 90’s and have since then worked to teach ourselves and train other couples in the presentation and teaching of key topics designed to inspire and enrich relationships. For our couples work, we started using the banner ‘Relationships Restored’ and we still do for our presentations and marriage enrichment work.

It has been a journey that has blessed our marriage. Leading marriage enrichment weekends and training another couples to replicate the work or act as coordinators has been an immense blessing and joy. The demand for pre-marital guidance has expanded, and we give thanks that God uses us in this ministry, allowing us to share our own life experiences to build and encourage couples looking for covenant marriage.

Our Mission

Everyone is an image bearer. God created everyone to be His likeness in character, yet He also gave us freedom to acknowledge Him or choose our own path. He continues to love us whatever our choices, and sent Jesus the Messiah to bridge the gulf of separation so that we could again choose to accept Him and be restored.

Our mission is to equip Christian marriages to understand His plan and goal for marriage and to learn how to adopt and resurrect their true identity as image bearers of God. To learn how to relate to each other and to Him so that their relationships and their families will be positive, fruitful and joyful. In doing so, we trust that marriages built on His identity will begin to transform communities and nations.

Our world may have chosen its own path, but in many cases, the the destruction of family life in societies is clearly evident. If communities are to be healed and family life is to prosper, our belief is that God’s true character must take its place in His image bearers so that family life which is the heart and prosperity of any community is regained.


Galatians 2:20 (TPT)

My old identity has been co-crucified with Messiah and no longer lives; for the nails of his cross crucified me with him. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, and dispenses his life into mine!


People around the globe are watching those who claim to follow Christian principles and values.

People are not looking for our arguments or rituals, or even the appearance of a virtuous attitude to persuade them that the Gospel is a true message for them. What they are looking for is the evidence of your ‘God Identity’ in action. It is what we do and how we do it, not what we say that will attract people to the Gospel.