Posts in Special Messages

Most of us want to leave behind a worthy legacy. We would like others to remember us after our passing and celebrate our lives as role models or heroes of our generation. For those of us who call Christ ‘Saviour,’ two paths stand before us. We can live our lives seeking the adoration of others, or we can live to serve others and leave a legacy that glorifies God.


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Your True Identity in Christ

The exciting news of the gospel is that we ‘sons and daughters of men’ who accept Christ’s gift of redemption receive new life. Just as Jesus was crucified and resurrected, so are we with Him. This ‘new life’ is not simply a new understanding or a new start. It is far more than new in any physical sense – it is about supernatural life! It is about something too marvellous for words.

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The god of my imagination

Where to place your trust is always a critical decision. Christians claim that Jesus Christ is Lord, that our trust is in him, and this is our good decision. Yet, there are still times when we are arrested with a prompting to question where our trust has really settled. Our desire for God is genuine, but our declaration of trust in Jesus can be made ‘outside of the furnace’. We can in our moment of doubt when the heat is on us, turn from our trust in the Lord and look for an alternative champion.

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Christmas Message 2020

Love is one of those wonders that God has given us to declare Him. God is love and love is the glue that binds relationships to create unity, build peace, and bring satisfaction to our souls. Of all the negative things we can experience in the world, love can overcome them all. It gives us purpose and a reason to wake up and get up each day. It is love that keeps us moving in times of difficulty. It is love that causes us to set aside selfishness and become servants. Love in all its forms is the greatest indicator of the mark of God. When you find someone, who loves others and serves them with sacrifice you have found someone who knows God in harmonious relationship:

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